From text to map
Behind any beautiful digital map lies the reality that every point, line or polygon is generated by some form of numerical and textual data. Here is an example of a “placemark” written in KML:
<Placemark> <name>Visualization Portal</name> <description>Don't fall asleep! Data is fun!</description> <Point> <coordinates>-118.44339036032716, 34.069750838829485</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark>
A few more options…
<Placemark> <name>Visualization Portal</name> <description>Don't fall asleep! Data is fun!</description> <LookAt> <longitude>-118.44339036032716</longitude> <latitude>34.069750838829485</latitude> <heading>45</heading> <tilt>50</tilt> <range>500</range> </LookAt> <Point> <coordinates>-118.44339036032716, 34.069750838829485</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark>
History mapped
A paper map can be scanned and made digital. As an image, it does not know “where it is”, in terms of its spatiality. A process called “georeferencing” allows us to “spatialize” printed documents, and put them in the context of other spatial layers. Here is an example of one of the most famous historical maps, the “John Snow Map” from 1854 that illustrates a Cholera outbreak that attacked London.
The same map can be visualized on a GIS platform, in this case, Google Earth:
[TBS_ALERT color=”success” heading=”How to view in Google Earth”]
- Right click on the hyperlink and select “copy link address”
- Open Google Earth, Add, Network Link
- Give the network link a name, and paste the hyperlink
Los Angeles 1857-2002
[Historical Los Angeles Maps in Google Earth]
The power of spatial imagery
Google Street View
Hurricane Katrina
[Hurricane Katrina in Google Earth]
Source: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Sendai, Japan
[Japan Disasters Google Earth KMZ]