Spatial Ethnography Workshop – Part II


Utilizing GPS Data

After collecting data from the field, where do go from there?

Bringing GPS to life requires taking the data and putting it into some platforms, whether it be desktop-based or web-based.

This section of the workshop will provide some examples of working with GPS data.

[TBS_ALERT color=”danger” heading=”Note!”] You don’t really need to take notes, as you can find some tutorials on these topics on the following page: [/TBS_ALERT]

Topic 1 – Retrieving the GPS data



Topic 2 – Cleaning up the data

For Windows users, GPS Track Editor is a great and free application for extracting different GPS data. For Mac and Linux users the opensource JGPS Track Edit works well too.


Topic 3 – GPS data Analysis

QGIS allows you to run spatial analysis on your GPS data such as:

  • Hotspot analysis
  • Data interpolation


Topic 4 – Sharing GPS data online allows you to work with your GPX data points by simply dragging and dropping your points into the window. You can add tables and edit your data too. Finally, the power of is being able to save your data into different formats and share your data with others online.geojson_io

Doarama is a online web application in beta that allows you to sync your GPS data tracks to footage on YouTube.
