Workshop: Network Analysis Part 2

To begin, download the workshop geodatabase here:

Setting up your project

  1. Add the following layers to your map
    1. ca_transportation_ND
    2. ca_cities_utm
    3. ca_counties_utm


  1. Create a New Route from the network analyst dropdown
  2. Open the attribute table for ca_cities_utm
  3. Sort the table by POP2007 (double click on the header twice)
  4. Select the top 10 cities in California
  5. In the Network Analyst panel, right click on Stops and Load Locations
  6. Click the Solve button

Service Area

  1. Create a New Service Area project by clicking on the Network Analyst dropdown
  2. From the table of contents, highlight Facilities
  3. Click on the service area properties button
  4. Click the Polygon Generation tab and choose Merge by break value
  5. Click the Analysis Settings tab. For Default Breaks, enter 5,10,15
  6. Click the Accumulation tab. Check Minutes_LA and Minutes
  7. Zoom into downtown Los Angeles
  8. from the network Analyst toolbar, click on the “add” button
  9. Add a facility somewhere in downtown Los Angeles
  10. Click on the solve button
  11. Add another facility in Santa Monica
  12. Click on the solve button again
  13. Repeat the process, adding more and more facilities to cover much of Los Angeles.

[TBS_ALERT color=”info” heading=”What does the map tell us?”]

How many facilities did you add? Where might you continue to add facilities to cover larger areas of Los Angeles?