An Introduction to Digital Mapping for the Humanities

What is a map?  What is in a map?  How do you map?

In the Humanities, mapping can be defined in so many different ways, there is no easy answer to these questions.  In fact, your research can dictate the parameter of choices that define your map.  Below are a few examples of just how multi-fasceted mapping can be for the humanities, and how the digital can help scope and develop innovative approaches to projects.  How then might your project utilize these tools?

DOARAMA: 3D Video Mapping

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Photo Mapping

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Social Media Mapping: real-time twitter, what say you?

twitter map

A little history with Snow (www|jpg|kml)

snow map

Visualizing historic LA in 3D (kml)

historic LA

Fusion Tables: Cloud based database mapping (tutorial)

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Leaflet: Coding your own maps from scratch (Tutorial)


Disaster mapping (Haiyan | Japan)



Palladio: visualize complex, multi-dimensional data (www|tutorial data)

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Social explorer: mapping our census (www|tutorial)

social explorer