
Research and Pedagogy in 3D

This hands-on intermediate workshop, developed for the 2016 American Historical Association Annual Meeting, will explore the array of new tools and technologies for integrating 3D content into research and pedagogy. Following a brief overview of the field, participants will engage with a variety of 3D projects, with examples ranging from augmented reality to on-line virtual worlds. VSim, a new NEH-funded prototype software interface for real-time exploration of academically generated 3D models, will also be featured. VSim allows users three modes of navigation, includes a mechanism for creating linear narratives through the virtual world that can be augmented by text and images (think PowerPoint or Prezi in 3D space), and provides a mechanism to link to primary and secondary resources from within the modeled environment. The session will conclude with a discussion about research and pedagogical applications for 3D technology.

PDF of workshop presentation: Snyder_AHA_2016_3Dworkshop.pdf


Smithsonian X3D Beta: http://3d.si.edu/
CAST/The Virtual Hampson Museum: http://hampson.cast.uark.edu/
STARC research center of the Cyprus Institute: http://public.cyi.ac.cy/starcRepo/
Digital Sculpture Project: http://www.digitalsculpture.org
Augustan Rome in City Engine (PI: Diane Favro, UCLA’s Department of Architecture and Urban Design and the School of the Arts and Architecture). http://www.arcgis.com/apps/CEWebViewer/viewer.html
A virtual visit of the Saint Jean cathedral of Lyon (FR) that demonstrates real-time spherical harmonics HDR lighting and various post-processes (must run with Chrome). http://www.chromeexperiments.com/detail/the-cathedral/?f=
UCLA Romelab (PI: Chris Johanson, UCLA Classics/Digital Humanities). http://romelab.etc.ucla.edu/
Contested memories: The battle of Mount Street Bridge (PI: Susan Schreibman, Trinity College Dublin/Maynooth University; Humanities Virtual Worlds Consortium). http://mountstreet1916.maynoothuniversity.ie/unity/bmsb.html
Virtual Rosewood in the Rosewood Heritage Project (PI: Edward González-Tennant). http://www.rosewood-heritage.net/vwe/
America’s Army – Proving Grounds: https://www.americasarmy.com/
Digital Karnak (specifically the Google Earth piece): http://dlib.etc.ucla.edu/projects/Karnak/
Sullivan, Elaine, and Lisa M. Snyder. Digital Karnak Publication Prototype (Beta version): https://idre.ucla.edu/research/active-research/vsim/vsim-downloads
Augmented Asbury Park: Free augmented reality tour of the boardwalk on your cellphone. Available at http://www.augmentedasburypark.com/
HTC Vive VR Demo. 2015. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFKbL-GU-_U
360-degree video example: Experience the Blue Angels. 2015. (Must run with Firefox or Chrome) Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6SsB3JYqQg
Google Spotlight Stories. 2015. For Android phones. Interact with “Duet,” “Help,” and “Buggy Nights.”
Microsoft HoloLens. Official website: https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us
HoloLens Product Demo available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29xnzxgCx6I


SecondLife: http://secondlife.com/ (Includes a number of interesting projects: the Western Front (1917, Training Camp), the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the ASU Virtual Heritage sites (there’s both an island and a ‘south’ group … definitely visit Lakeport Plantation), the Alamo, and the Mar Vista Architectural Reconstruction of a Gregory Ain house.

Online Readings

A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation (focus on sections 1 to 4, 15 to 17) http://design.osu.edu/carlson/history/lessons.html and http://design.osu.edu/carlson/history/timeline.html
Graphics glossary – commonly used graphics terminology http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/graphics_glossary,1.html
Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice: “Laser Scanning for Archaeology” http://guides.archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/g2gp/LaserScan_Toc
Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice: “Close-Range Photogrammetry” http://guides.archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/g2gp/Photogram_Toc
Pietkiewicz, Stefanie. “From brick to marble: did Augustus really transform Rome?” UCLA’s Institute for Digital Research and Education website (last accessed 12/8/15). Available at https://idre.ucla.edu/featured/from-brick-to-marble-did-augustus-really-transform-rome
Simonite, Tom. “The quest to put more reality in virtual reality,” MIT Technology Review, October 22, 2014. http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/531751/the-quest-to-put-more-reality-in-virtual-reality/
“Implementing mobile augmented reality technology for viewing historic images.” An Azavea and City of Philadelphia Department of Records White Paper. 2011. Available at http://www.azavea.com/research/company-research/augmented-reality/
Walker, Lauren. “’New York Times’ delivers Google Cardboard to subscribers, betting big on virtual reality,” in Newsweek online edition, November 8, 2015. Available at http://www.newsweek.com/new-york-times-delivers-google-cardboard-subscribers-betting-big-virtual-391997
“Magic Leap releases raw footage created with its augmented reality tech,” on TechCrunch. Posted October 21, 2015. Available at http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/21/magic-leap-demo/#.nuvdilo:XXKZ
Villanova University Project Planning Guide (excerpts from website; the full content is available at http://www.villanovau.com/resources/project-management/
University of Technology, Sydney … Project Management Guide (excerpts from website; the full content is available at http://www.projects.uts.edu.au/stepbystep/index.html