UHI Story Map Workshop 2017 Navigate to the link below: https://sandbox.idre.ucla.edu/sandbox/storymap Or visit the STORY MAP here: http://arcg.is/2rzZZWC [expand title=”Introduction: Tell us a story“] Story maps are not new HyperCities Google Earth Meaningful way to complement and present your research to a general audience Narrative arcs Gallery Policy statement Education Tutorial Exhibit [/expand] [expand title=”What goes into a story“] Images Quality Copyright/Sourcing Charts Videos Maps ArcGIS Maps Embedding websites Story Inception: A story map within a story map[/expand] [expand title=”Story Time: Life of a Battery“] Visit the map here: http://storymaps.esri.com/stories/2017/batteries/index.html [/expand] [expand title=”Getting an ESRI Account – ESRIER than it sounds“] Sign up here: https://accounts.esri.com/signup [/expand] [expand title=”Unlocking your inner Shakespeare: Hands-on“] Accordion Cascade Stories ArcGIS Maps [/expand] [expand title=”Exercise: Story inception, putting your story maps within our story map“] Submit your map here: https://goo.gl/forms/8POly3akCWA2X3Vw1 [/expand] [expand title=”Time Permitting”] Other story map types Using other platforms is a CartoFun[/expand]
UHI Story Map Workshop 2017
Navigate to the link below:
Or visit the STORY MAP here:
[expand title=”Time Permitting”]