CartoDB Part 1: Getting Started

[TBS_ALERT class=”success” heading=”Workshop open notebook”]Use this google doc during the workshop[/TBS_ALERT]

Create a CartoDB account

  1. Go to the CartoDB sign up page.

Create your first map

  1. Look for the following button:
    new map
  2. Choose “Data library”, then click on the search (magnifying glass)
  3. In the search box, enter “earthquake”
  4. Find the dataset titled “Realtime Earthquakes” provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. Click on it and press the Create Map button.
    create map

Understand DATA vs MAP view

data vs map

data viewmap view

Customize your map

  1. Click on the “wizards” icon on the right
  2. Scroll until you find “BUBBLE” as a map option and select it
  3. For column, choose “mag” (magnitude)
  4. Experiment with the various options made available to you and note the changes on your map
    earthquake map
  5. For interactive functionalities, play with the settings

Export your map


  1. Experiment with the various functionalities to create a layout for your map
  2. Export your map image, and copy the map into the class notebook map gallery!

Next: Working with your own data