Spring 2016 Mapping for Research Series

In an increasingly interdisciplinary academic environment, there are certain technologies that are situated at the crossroads of collaborative research methods.  Digital mapping is one such technology that crosses many disciplines, as inquiries on locational data are becoming integral to the methods of analysis.

UCLA’s Institute for Digital Research and Education (https://idre.ucla.edu/) and the UCLA Library (http://www.library.ucla.edu) are co-sponsoring these three-part workshop series on mapping. RSVPs are required, but these sessions are free and open to all members of the campus community. The series will cover a overview of historical maps, digital mapping, and UCLA resources supporting GIS; lightening talks with current researchers and maps; methods in visualization using CartoDB and Palladio. Our focus will be on discussing spatial technologies, as well as some technical discussion on approaches for research projects.

Session 1 – “Intro to Maps: History and Beyond”

When: Friday, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, April 15, 2016 [TBS_BUTTON class=”btn-sm btn-warning” link=”http://cfapps.ats.ucla.edu/cfapps/events/rsvp/RSVPNow.cfm?EveID=3526&SecID=3514″ title=”RSVP”]RSVP for Part 1[/TBS_BUTTON]
Where: Young Research Library, West Electronic Classroom on the Second Floor (23167 Charles E. Young Library)
Learn about the history of maps, what mapping resources are available at UCLA and a quick overview of mapping software.


Session 2 – “Mapping Applied: Earth Day Lightning Talks”

When: Friday, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, April 22, 2016 [TBS_BUTTON class=”btn-sm btn-warning” link=”http://cfapps.ats.ucla.edu/cfapps/events/rsvp/RSVPNow.cfm?EveID=3523&SecID=3511″ title=”RSVP”]RSVP for Part 2[/TBS_BUTTON]
Where: “DeCafe” (1302 Perloff Hall Perloff Hall)
Listen and engage with speakers on their research related to the environment and their mapping practices


Session 3 – “Got Visualization? Methods in mapping data”

When: Friday, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, April 29, 2015 [TBS_BUTTON class=”btn-sm btn-warning” link=”http://cfapps.ats.ucla.edu/cfapps/events/rsvp/RSVPNow.cfm?EveID=3522&SecID=3510″ title=”RSVP”]RSVP for Part 3[/TBS_BUTTON]
Where: Young Research Library, West Electronic Classroom on the Second Floor (23167 Charles E. Young Library)
Explore the use of CartoDB and Palladio for generating visually appealing online maps.