Welcome to the Introduction to GIS Workshop 2016 Edition! First, please navigate to this page using… Introduction to GIS Training 2016
Welcome to the cartodb-workshop page! We will be using Live notes for the class. Feel free… DH101 CartoDB Workshop
In an increasingly interdisciplinary academic environment, there are certain technologies that are situated at the crossroads… Spring 2016 Mapping for Research Series
To start, navigate to this page via the URL below: http://sandbox.idre.ucla.edu/sandbox/history-of-digital-mapping “What is a map? What… History of Digital Mapping and Beyond
Welcome to the Introduction to GIS Workshop 2016 Edition! First, please navigate to this page… Introduction to GIS Workshop 2016
Research and Pedagogy in 3D This hands-on intermediate workshop, developed for the 2016 American Historical Association… Research and Pedagogy in 3D
Welcome to the Introduction to GIS Workshop 2015 Edition! First, please navigate to this page… Introduction to GIS Workshop 2015
To start, navigate to this page via the URL below: http://sandbox.idre.ucla.edu/sandbox/basics-of-mapping-for-the-digital-humanities “What is a map? What… Basics of Mapping for the Digital Humanities
Associated UCLA faculty and staff are eligible to request specific GIS training and workshops by visiting… Request a workshop/training
Welcome to the Hands-on Mapping Portion of this year’s Getty Summer Institute! To start, navigate to… Beyond the Digitized Slide: The Mapping Edition