This is code to download and save search page results from bioRxiv, one day at a time. It was used in the data-gathering stage of a study that led to these results.
It’s on Github.
Why didn’t we just ask Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (the maintainers of bioRxiv) for the data? We were in a hurry.
Here’s a sample search page.
Part 1: Load the necessary libraries
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Paranoid steps to make sure Python uses UTF-8 encoding import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import codecs # More UTF-8 paranoia import requests # For loading web pages from datetime import timedelta, date # Standard Python packages for working with dates from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs # Popular HTML parser, install via pip install bs4 from slugify import slugify # Converts arbitrary strings into nice filenames import pickle # Package any data structure to be written to/read from a file import time # Necessary to sleep import os # Standard operating system actions (check if file exists, etc.) # An example search URL: # searchTemplate = '{}%20limit_to%3A{}%20numresults%3A200%20sort%3Apublication-date%20direction%3Aascending%20format_result%3Astandard'
Part 2: Define functions for downloading, parsing, and summarizing search results
# Download and cache a webpage if it hasn't been downloaded and cached before # NOTE: Requires the existence of a folder named 'searchPages'! def cacheQuery(query, forceUncache=False): queryFile = 'searchPages/' + slugify(query) if ((not forceUncache) and os.path.isfile(queryFile)): data = pickle.load(open(queryFile, 'rb')) else: time.sleep(1) # Waiting 1 second is the minimum level of "politeness" r = requests.get(query) if (r.status_code == 200): data = r.text pickle.dump(data, open(queryFile, 'wb')) else: data = None return data # Parse each search page for article listings def processSearchPage(page, query): articleData = {} # The article listings for this page, indexed by DOI html = bs(page, "lxml") # Initialize BeautifulSoup parser with lxml parsing module articles = html.find_all('li', attrs={'class': 'search-result'}) for article in articles: # Get the item header citation = article.find('div', attrs={'class': 'highwire-article-citation'}) master_version = citation.get('data-pisa-master') version = citation.get('data-pisa') atom_path = citation.get('data-apath') # Get the DOI doispan = article.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-cite-metadata-doi'}) doi = doispan.text.strip().replace('doi: https://', '') # Get the title info title = article.find('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-cite-title'}) title = title.text.strip().replace("\n", "") # Now collect author information authors = article.find_all('span', attrs={'class': 'highwire-citation-author'}) all_authors = [] for author in authors: all_authors.append(author.text) author_list = '|'.join(all_authors) outdata = [version, title, atom_path, author_list] articleData[doi] = outdata return articleData # Call the functions above to open a search page and parse its contents def getDOIsInRange(startDate, endDate): global outfile queryString = searchTemplate.format(startDate, endDate) page = cacheQuery(queryString) if (page is not None): print "searching " + queryString pageArticles = processSearchPage(page, queryString) # Write all the DOI info to a file for doi in pageArticles: outfile.write(str(doi) + "\t" + "\t".join(pageArticles[doi]) + "\n")
Part 3: Run the searches for a set date range, saving the results
# MAIN starts here outfile ="biorxiv_dois.txt", 'w', 'utf-8') start_date = date(2013, 11, 6) end_date = date(2017, 5, 7) # Set the start and end of the date interval to be 1 day apart d = start_date delta = timedelta(days=1) # Step through the full date range, incrementing the start and end # day by 1 each time while d <= end_date: searchDate = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print("searching date " + searchDate) getDOIsInRange(searchDate, searchDate) d += delta outfile.close()